Floor Safes
Floor safes have the benefit of being located in concealed areas which can maximise your security. An in-floor safe can be bolted down or cemented into a lowered area and be completely out of site which can reduce the risk of attack and also reduce water damage.
Depending on the size of the floor safe, they can secure valuables, possessions and important documents against theft and damage. They are compact in size so it is important that consider the items you intent storing in your floor safe.
In-floor Safes reduce attack from concealment
Our range of floor safes feature superior security features such as anti-drill plates, solid steel dead bars, relocking devices and are fitted with quality locking mechanisms and a top cover plate. It is important that your floor safe has been correctly installed. Our network of distributors across Australia can professionally install your floor safe. Find a Distributor
Floor Safe Series 1

Floor Safe Series 2